While I was sort of locked in Austria, I attended a 200hrs Yoga teacher training course from October til December 2020 and now I am the proud owner of the RYT 200hrs certificate.
I had a wonderful teacher and was able to learn a lot, not only about numerous postures and how to teach them in a correct way but also the Yoga philisophy. Yoga is indeed so much more than just a session with a few Asanas and Yogapants. It is about movement and stillness, about breathing, about the flow, and somehow it is a state of mind and maybe one of the more important thing is the consistency of practice. The way to carrying out an Asana perfectly is sometimes more important than the Asana itself.
So as I have mentioned before, Yoga is a lot about practice, and once I have practiced enough, for sure I will give some Yoga sessions to share all the positivity that brings into your life- such as Pilates or Functional Training or any other sport that you do.
In the meantime I would like to share the benefit and 'how-to' of some Asanas.
As one of my Pilates class participants asked me about exercises specifically for lower back pain, the next exercise blog entries will bring you some of them. Starting with the Uttihita Trikonasana – the extended triangle pose.
Just to give you some news as well... currently I arrived back on the beautiful island of Mauritius (my place of inspiration), where I must stay 14 days in a quarantine Hotel due to the current Covid situation and all.
This day is my day 6, almost half way through- YAY!
Once I am out, there will be TidelinesTraining Pilates, Mobility and other sessions here on Mauritius.
I am happy to also being able to continue with my online classes, which in the meantime I do not want to miss! It is for sure so nice to see all the lovely faces through the little screens.
Ooohkay let's do some photos of the Uttihita Trikonasana.
Check out the schedule for the February online classes here:
See you and Namaste
